Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Journal #10 MS

Epler, James (March/April 2009). New Visions for Transforming Teaching. Learning & Leading with Technology, Retrieved 04/21/2009, from http://www.learningandleading-digital.com/learning_leading/200904/

This article was fascinating in that as educators we are put as students in a classroom with other educators trying to adapt and push beyond our know limits. This program that they started is unique in that they are experiencing what we as teachers experience everyday that unless there is something to be gained or the view I better get something from this class or its not worth it my time. So they had to entice teachers to come, with using technology when they need it which is a very brilliant idea since we as teachers need to maintain our knowledge in this field. I liked that they used the same strategies as I have used with my students, first a large group then splitting the teachers to separate groups so a more relaxed and intense brainstorm session may transpire. Most people do not enjoy seminars and meetings but the way this program is set up there is a give and take and a degree of respect to the individual. The teachers get LCDs and the ability if they stay with the program to get more technological advice and resources and the program gets educators that have learned, and brought back valuable ideas to their districts which may in turn have more teachers want to enroll in this program. I am eager to see if there is a program that is like this in the San Diego area, for a up and coming teacher these programs would be invaluable.

Question #1

Why is it important for teachers to stay up on technologies and go to programs and or seminars?

Answer: It is truly important because it allows each of us who have been in a potential district bubble to share and explain ones ideas and beliefs. To explain to other educators why or why not something has worked in your classroom. Plus the seminars are a very social interactive way to get to know ones peers.

Question # 2

Why is it important to practice what you have learned from these seminars regarding technology?

Answer: It is important because the programs and seminars are geared for the teachers to make them more efficient and better able to teach students about technologies in the modern world. It also allows student the ability to know that their teacher may know a lot about a particular technology that students are interested in which would allow the teacher the ability to teach students more effectively.

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