Monday, January 26, 2009

Intro letter of Michael

My name is Michael Slemp and I am from planet earth ( at times). I was born in Denver Colorado and lived there until 10 years old. I was plucked from my elementary school at age 10 and we went west to discover gold and prosperity. My family moved to Van Nuys where I finished elementary school and Jr High school before being dragged away from my friends once more in yet another move. This time we landed in Ontario California, where I went and graduated high school and enjoyed life for awhile. My grades were good enough to get into college, but another four years of school sounded horrible so on a whim I joined the Navy to see what the world was like. Its ROUND TRUST ME!!!! After the navy I decided that school seemed like something to do so I spent three years at a community college getting a few Associate degrees before getting accepted to UC Santa Cruz. That's right people our mascot is a YELLOW banana slug ( I sense envy), anyway went there for 2 years which was interesting since my class was the last class to either have grades or evaluations. So I honestly have no clue what my GPA is from UCSC since I had mostly evaluations, just one of many differences UCSC has over many universities. I then moved to Florida for a bit and taught a year of High School and then traveled all over the United States. I finally landed back in California and decided to get my credential at CSUN. I did all the requirements needed besides the one year of teaching experience in there two year program. But life happened and I had to move to south to San Diego and found myself starting over besides a few class waivers so I am now in CSUSM and looking forward to getting my credential. I am engaged to a sweet woman that from Czech republic, so I get the opportunity to travel to her country and many more thanks to her love to travel.

My overall technology is fair at best. I have been around computers since the military and have seen huge advances. I understand the basics of word, office, PowerPoint, overheads and such. I am always calling friends to help me figure out an error or how to do something that if I had that one computer class things would be clear. I use a PC at home and pretty much have always used a PC besides when at CSUN and now CSUSM since we use here Apples. I use technology everyday, regardless if its looking at email, weather, stocks, world events, jobs, environment or any other things I need or want to inquire about. I am using an old office I believe it to be office 2003.
The mission statement was a factor when I looked at this institution compared to the other two main Universities within the area. I was intrigued that the statement was as bold and concise. What grabbed my attention was the diversity, educational equity, as a new teacher I know diversity is going to be something that I need to embrace and be open too. Teaching will be demanding and at times frustrating but staying focused and staying attentive one should be able to reach goals that seemed to be out of reach.

The picture I used was embedded by using the add image provided by EBLOGGER


  1. Mike, it was fun hearing your story. I like the title of your blog. Congratulations on finding your true love. Just think your kids can be bilingual!! That picture of Chile is gorgeous. I hope you got to see some fun places in the Navy. I like your endangered species slide show too.

  2. Hi Michael...I had no idea that the yellow banana slug had such a reputation! When I was about 10 years old, my sister and I participated in a banana slug contest on a family camping trip. Everyone placed their chosen banana slug in the middle of a circle drawn in chalk on the concrete. The first banana slug to slime it's way over the line was the champion. Congratulations on your engagement and good luck to you!

  3. Hi Mike1. Congratulations, you are a good blogger. I enjoyed reading your blog. It sounds like you have traveled a lot and have an array of life experiences to look back on. I moved a lot as a kid too and it can be hard, but I think it makes you a more rounded individual. The diversity, educational equity, and social justice part of the mission statement also grabbed my attention. A commitment to these values is what our future teachers need.

  4. Wow... I feel like I have barely done anything in my life after reading your first paragraph. It's cool you have so much experience outside of teaching, and now you have come back to do what I think is the best job in the world! *If you teach surf and skate PE!

  5. Hey Mike,
    It was good getting to know you in class last night. Thank you so much for the study materials. I'm eternally indebted to you!
