Monday, February 16, 2009

Journal 1 MS

Ribble, M (2008, December). Passport to digital citizenship. Learning & Leading with Technology, Retrieved Feb 2, 2009, from

This article to me was to bring forth enlightenment and to educate those that use technology in everyday life. Mike Ribble touches on his nine points or themes that he believes will help not only the student but the educator, these points if used in a well thought out way can not only make student learning more fun and enjoyable but allow the student to become more responsible with the technology they use in their lives.
I like this article for many reasons it shows that we as a society understand that technology is awesome and is needed can also be a nightmare if not used and understood properly. I truly believe that we as parents and as educators need to take a more pro active role in making sure that our students, friends, children, and even ourselves understand the joys and the pitfalls of technology and be able to learn from our experiences.

Question #1
How can we maintain that our students are learning responsibility regarding technology outside our schools?
I believe one way that we can help our students is to ask questions to what they use computers, mp3 players cell phones, etc... and once we get a understanding we then can discuss with parents on what they know of technologies and see where the two side agree and where they do not see eye to eye. Based on looking at the data we can not only help our students be more informed on using technology responsible we will be able to have parents do the same and be able to monitor and help their own children with potential pitfalls in the technology society.

How can I help my students in my classroom be more responsible using technology?
To be able to teach responsibility and to showcase what one knows one needs to walk the walk. I need to be able to practice what I preach and be able to explain what I am doing in my classroom to my students and not contradict what I have been trying to teach. I should hold myself accountable using the same rules and suggestions that I give to my students.

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